Top 10 Best Things to Do in Paris – Top Attractions in 2024

Top 10 Things To Do In Paris France

Introduction to Top 10 Things To Do In Paris France

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France is one of the best countries to visit. Popular for its many fashion brands, cuisines and artistry, the country is rich in culture and history. As a tourist, tHere, at the heart of Paris, you can truly soak in the French culture. are so many places to visit and activities for you to do. From shopping in Marais, going to the beautiful city of love and enjoying vineyard tours, to visiting popular museums and seeing the most famous painting in the world, you will never get tired of fun stuff to do.

In this article, we will discuss sights everyone visiting should not miss. Here are the top ten things to do in France. Enjoy!

1. Visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris

10 Things To Do In Paris France


You cannot visit France without seeing its most iconic emblem: the Eiffel Tower. Built to celebrate the centennial of the french revolution and the fall of Bastille, this technological masterpiece is one of the best places to visit in France. To enjoy the best view, ascend to the pinnacle and look down on the beautiful city below.

It is an experience you will never forget, as no place may ever give you a feel of Paris at a glance. In addition to the Eiffel Tower, France offers a multitude of other must-see attractions. The Louvre is one of the world’s largest and most visited museums, housing thousands of works of art including the famous Mona Lisa. The Palace of Versailles is another iconic landmark, with its stunning gardens and opulent architecture.

For art enthusiasts, a visit to the charming village of Giverny is a must, where you can explore the gardens that inspired the famous impressionist painter Claude Monet. The medieval city of Carcassonne, with its well-preserved fortifications, is another unique destination that shouldn’t be missed.

And of course, no trip to France is complete without indulging in the country’s world-renowned cuisine. From freshly baked croissants and decadent pastries to gourmet meals at Michelin-starred restaurants, France is a paradise for food lovers.
Whether you’re strolling along the picturesque streets of Paris, exploring the lush countryside of Provence, or relaxing on the glamorous beaches of the French Riviera, France offers a rich tapestry of experiences that will leave a lasting impression.

It’s a destination that truly has something for everyone, and it’s no wonder that it remains one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.

2. Visit the Palace of Versailles

Exploring the historic Palace of Versailles is like travelling back in time. This place is a major tourist destination for lovers of history who want to enjoy the opulence of pre-modern France in real life. Everything used for the construction and decoration of the palace is sourced from France.

The palace features luxurious courts, the hall of mirrors, opĂ©ra royal de Versailles. The palace of Versailles is an epitome of France’s ancient regime and air of nobility.

During the summer (from June to September), there are spectacular fireworks display at night. It is so much fun! The architecture and intricate designs of the palace, similar to the Notre-Dame de Paris, are truly captivating, and visitors can learn about its fascinating history through guided tours or audio guides. The gardens of Versailles are also a sight to behold, with perfectly manicured lawns, stunning fountains, and beautifully sculpted hedges.

The estate is massive, so be prepared to do a lot of walking to fully explore everything it has to offer.

Overall, the Palace of Versailles is a must-visit for anyone interested in French history and culture. It offers a glimpse into the lavish lifestyles of the French monarchy, reminiscent of the grandeur found in the heart of Paris. Whether you’re strolling through the Hall of Mirrors or admiring the sprawling gardens, visiting this historic landmark is an unforgettable experience.

3. Take a stroll through the charming streets of Montmartre

Visiting Paris but missing out on the city’s bohemian and artistic community is a no-no. The Montmartre is one of the popular places to visit in Paris. This quaint french village has working mills, secret gardens and hidden gems. There are lots of places to see in this stunning village.

Visit the Cathedral, enjoy the scenic views of Paris from Montmartre summit. Explore the Sacré Coeur Basilica, take in the sights of the glitzy cancan dancers of the Moulin Rouge, walk through some of the same scenic streets that captivated the imaginations of Renoir, Picasso, Van Gogh, Dali, and Edith Piaf. You can also stop by the famous Place du Tertre, where you can watch artists at work and even have your portrait painted or caricatured.

The Dali Museum is another must-see attraction, showcasing the works of the surrealist artist Salvador Dali.
Don’t forget to indulge in some delicious French cuisine at one of Montmartre’s many charming cafes and restaurants. You can also sample some local wines and cheeses at the cozy wine bars.

In the evenings, Montmartre comes alive with live music, street performers, and a vibrant nightlife. You can catch a cabaret show at one of the many cabarets in the area or simply take a leisurely stroll through the picturesque streets, soaking in the bohemian atmosphere.

Overall, Montmartre is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the artistic and bohemian side of Paris. It’s a place where you can immerse yourself in the rich history, culture, and creativity that have made this village a beloved and timeless gem in the City of Light.

4. Go Wine Tasting in Bordeaux

Arguably the best producers of red wine in all of France, Bordeaux is your location for wine tasting. The striking appearance of this stunning town gives it a Neoclassical feel. Located at the western bank of the Garonne River, Bordeaux served as the primary English bastion in France for many years. The city has a thriving marketplace and is an important transportation hub.

Visit Cite du Vin to learn about the city’s wine history, go wine tasting, explore Bordeaux’s multiple museums and stores. Also, if you love the nightlife, this is where you should go to have a great time. Take a stroll along the Place de la Bourse, a beautiful square lined with elegant buildings and a stunning water mirror. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to visit the Bordeaux Cathedral, a majestic Gothic structure that will leave you in awe.

For a more immersive wine experience, consider taking a guided tour of the surrounding vineyards and wineries. You’ll have the chance to learn about the winemaking process and, of course, taste some of the finest wines in the world.
In addition to its wine-related attractions, Bordeaux also boasts a vibrant culinary scene. Indulge in some of the finest French cuisine at the city’s top-notch restaurants, or sample local delicacies at the bustling marketplaces.

Whether you’re a wine enthusiast, history buff, or simply looking for a picturesque destination to explore, Bordeaux has something for everyone. Immerse yourself in the rich culture and heritage of this magnificent city, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

5. Admire the beauty of the French Riviera

The Cîte d’Azur, also known as the French Riviera, is a stunning stretch of coastline in southern France that is always bright and sunny. You can easily get to Riviera from Nice, the city’s center. For an idyllic time taking in the sights and attractions, visit any of the attractions near the city. You can visit Antibes, Cannes, Saint Tropez, Menton or the hilltop villages around.

You can also enjoy a quiet day relaxing and daydreaming at French Riviera. One of the most famous spots on the French Riviera is Nice, where you can stroll along the Promenade des Anglais or explore the old town’s charming streets. Antibes is known for its beautiful beaches and fascinating museums, while Cannes is renowned for its glitzy film festival and luxurious shops along the Boulevard de la Croisette.

If you’re interested in a more relaxed atmosphere, head to the picturesque village of Saint Tropez, which is filled with colorful houses and a bustling marina, a view reminiscent of the heart of Paris. Menton, on the eastern edge of the French Riviera, is known for its stunning gardens and annual lemon festival.

While exploring the region, don’t forget to taste the delicious local cuisine, from fresh seafood to traditional Provencal dishes. And of course, take the time to relax on one of the many beautiful beaches or enjoy the stunning views from a cliffside cafĂ©.

Whether you’re looking for a glamorous getaway or a serene escape, the French Riviera has something for everyone. With its stunning natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture, it’s no wonder the Cîte d’Azur has been a beloved destination for travelers for centuries.

6. Visit the Iconic Cathédrale de Notre Dame in Paris

The CathĂ©drale de Notre Dame is the 12th century masterpiece of Gothic art and one of the greatest Gothic cathedrals ever built. It is anchored to the southeast corner of the Île de la CitĂ© by massive flying buttresses. This great edifice is 130 metres long, 48 metres wide and 35 metres high. It is one of northern France’s first and most ambitious great Gothic churches.

Though it is currently undergoing renovations, you can still visit it. To enjoy the full experience, you can visit it after renovations are completed in 2024, and get a stunning view of the city akin to the Place de la Concorde in Paris. The cathedral is a stunning display of intricate and awe-inspiring architecture, with its famous rose windows, stunning sculptures, and impressive bell towers.

The interior is equally impressive, featuring beautiful stained glass windows, a magnificent organ, and an atmosphere of reverence and spirituality.

While visiting the cathedral, take the time to appreciate the intricate details and craftsmanship of the building, and imagine the centuries of history and countless worshippers who have passed through its doors. Don’t forget to climb to the top of the towers for a breathtaking panoramic view of Paris.

The Cathédrale de Notre Dame is not just a religious site, but also a symbol of art, history, and human achievement. It has stood the test of time, surviving wars, revolutions, and natural disasters, and continues to inspire and captivate visitors from around the world.

So, if you’re planning a trip to Paris, be sure to include a visit to the CathĂ©drale de Notre Dame. Its grandeur and beauty are truly a sight to behold, and an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

7. Visit the Medieval City of Carcassonne

Some of southern France’s most impressive strongholds, fascinating abbeys, and ancient towns may be found along the Cathar Route. This medieval city holds a lot of religious history. The Cathars, a Christian dualist sect active in the Languedoc region during the 12th and 14th centuries, are associated with these locations. The Cathars were the primary focus of several bloody crusades because the Catholic Church, anchored in Notre-Dame de Paris, viewed them as heretics.

Take a road trip with your vehicle to see the Cathar sites like Cité de Carcassonne, Chùteau de Montségur, and Fontfroide. The Cité de Carcassonne is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most well-preserved medieval cities in Europe. The Chùteau de Montségur, high in the Pyrenees mountains, was the last stronghold of the Cathars and is now a popular pilgrimage site. Fontfroide Abbey, founded in the 11th century, is a stunning example of Cistercian architecture and is still active as a monastery today.

As you drive through the picturesque countryside of southern France, you’ll also come across charming towns and villages with ancient churches and castles, all steeped in the history of the Cathars. The stunning landscape of vineyards, mountains, and rivers adds to the beauty of the journey.

The Cathar Route is not only a journey through history but also an opportunity to explore the culture, gastronomy, and natural beauty of southern France. Whether you’re interested in history, architecture, or simply enjoy road trips, the Cathar Route has something for everyone. So pack your bags, grab a map, and hit the road to uncover the secrets of the Cathars in southern France.

8. Enjoy French Delicacies at a local Bistro Or Brasserie

You cannot say you have truly enjoyed and experienced life at a place without its local cuisine, and it is the same with France. Enjoy french dishes at a local bistro or brasserie. These eateries are a go-to for locals and give you authentic french meals in all its beauty. Whether you need a romantic dinner spot or you want to enjoy a day out trying out different dishes, there is always a bistro or brasserie for you.

Try out the classic pate, quiche, potage parmentier, buttery escargot among many options. You also do not have to worry about transportation because there are vehicles that transport visitors back to the boulevards of Paris. If you’re looking for a more upscale dining experience, consider booking a table at a Michelin-starred restaurant. These establishments are known for their exquisite cuisine and elegant atmosphere, providing a truly special dining experience.

Of course, no visit to France is complete without indulging in some delicious pastries and desserts. From flaky croissants to rich and creamy crÚme brûlée, the options are endless. Make sure to stop by a local bakery or patisserie to satisfy your sweet tooth.

And let’s not forget about the wine! France is renowned for its incredible selection of wines, so be sure to sample some local vintages during your visit. Whether you’re a fan of bold reds or crisp whites, you’ll find a wine to suit your taste.
Overall, experiencing the local cuisine is an essential part of truly immersing yourself in the culture and lifestyle of France. So make sure to savor every bite and sip during your visit, and embrace the culinary delights that this beautiful country has to offer. Bon appétit!

9. Attend a performance at the Opera Garnier in Paris

For an experience of a lifetime, attend an opera or ballet performance at the Opera Garnier in Paris. Known for hosting the top artists on Earth, the Opera Garnier is an architectural masterpiece and a must-see for any culture vulture thanks to its impeccable acoustics.

Whether it’s your first time trying out an opera or you’ve been to a hundred before, the Opera Garnier is one you should check out. An evening there guarantees you a beautiful time to appreciate art with profound emotion. You can make your pick between opera and ballet, but expect a performance that will blow your mind. The building itself is a work of art, with its ornate decorations and stunning chandeliers.

The grand staircase is a sight to behold and walking through the opulent halls feels like stepping back in time to a bygone era of elegance and luxury.

The acoustics of the Opera Garnier are unparalleled, ensuring that every note and every movement can be heard and felt with incredible clarity. Whether you are a fan of the powerful voices of opera singers or the graceful movements of ballet dancers, the Opera Garnier provides an unforgettable experience that will leave you in awe.

Attending a performance at the Opera Garnier, a gem in the heart of Paris, is not just about the art itself, but also about the entire experience. The audience is dressed to the nines, adding to the glamour and excitement of the evening. It’s a chance to indulge in a bit of luxury and be surrounded by beauty in every aspect, similar to visiting a museum in Paris.

So, if you find yourself in Paris, make sure to add a night at the Opera Garnier to your itinerary. It’s an experience that will stay with you long after the final bow. Whether you are a seasoned opera or ballet enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of performing arts, the Opera Garnier promises an unforgettable night that will leave you with a deep appreciation for the beauty and power of art.

10. Take a day trip to Normandy to learn about D-Day history

One of the well known things tourists do is to visit Normandy, and the reason is this. Known as a major time in the history of France, the invasion of Normandy from the sea was unprecedented until the Normandy Landings Operations. The Allies invaded German-occupied France on the beaches of Normandy on Tuesday, 6 June 1944. These beaches were Omaha, Utah, Sword Gold, and Juno Beach, located at the heart of Paris.

Take a day’s trip to visit the war cemeteries and memorials. Ensure you also check out the Normandy Landing Beaches to learn about its rich history. You can also visit the famous Mont Saint-Michel, a stunning island commune with a breathtaking abbey perched on top. The architecture and views from this historical site are truly remarkable.

Additionally, take a stroll through the charming town of Honfleur, known for its picturesque harbor and colorful buildings. The town, located in the heart of Paris, is also home to many art galleries and museums, making it a great place to immerse yourself in the local culture and history.

For those interested in food and drink, Normandy is also known for its delicious cuisine and refreshing beverages. Don’t miss the opportunity to try some local specialties such as Camembert cheese and apple cider.

No trip to Normandy would be complete without visiting the impressive Bayeux Tapestry, a medieval embroidered cloth that depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England.

Overall, Normandy offers a unique blend of history, natural beauty, and culinary delights that make it a must-visit destination for any tourist.

First-time Guide to Paris

Welcome to the stunning city of Paris! If this is your first time visiting the City of Light, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure you have an unforgettable experience. Start by visiting the iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Take a leisurely stroll along the Seine River and explore the charming neighborhoods of Montmartre and Le Marais. Don’t forget to indulge in the delicious French cuisine, from delicate pastries and macarons to savory croissants and escargot. Embrace the local culture by visiting the bustling markets and sipping coffee at a cozy cafĂ©.

And of course, no trip to Paris would be complete without a visit to the world-class shopping districts along the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es and Rue Saint-HonorĂ©.

With its rich history, breathtaking architecture, and endless charm, Paris is sure to captivate you from the moment you arrive. Get ready for a truly magical adventure in one of the most romantic cities in the world!

Sightseeing Tickets & Passes

When traveling to a new city or country, sightseeing tickets and passes are a convenient way to explore popular attractions without the hassle of purchasing individual tickets at each site.

These passes often offer discounted admission to multiple attractions, allowing visitors to save both time and money. Whether it’s a hop-on-hop-off bus tour, entry to a museum, or access to a historical landmark, sightseeing tickets and passes provide a flexible and cost-effective way to experience the best that a destination has to offer.

Additionally, many passes also include priority access or skip-the-line privileges, which can be especially beneficial in busy tourist areas.

By purchasing sightseeing tickets and passes in advance, travelers can streamline their itinerary and make the most of their time in a new location. These options are particularly popular in major tourist cities, where there is a high concentration of attractions and points of interest.

Overall, sightseeing tickets and passes are a valuable tool for travelers looking to maximize their sightseeing experience while minimizing logistical challenges.

Shows, Concerts & Sports

Shows, concerts, and sports events are all forms of entertainment that bring people together to enjoy their favorite artists, musicians, or athletes.

Shows, such as theater productions or comedy performances, offer a chance for audiences to be transported into a different world and experience a range of emotions. Concerts provide an opportunity for music lovers to witness their favorite bands and singers performing live, creating a unique and unforgettable atmosphere. Sports events, on the other hand, offer a different kind of excitement and energy as fans come together to support their teams and witness thrilling displays of athleticism.

Whether it’s a high-energy rock concert, a captivating theater show, or a thrilling soccer match, these events provide a welcome escape from everyday life and a chance to connect with others who share similar passions.

The shared experience of attending these events often creates lasting memories and a sense of community among attendees, much like strolling through the Place de la Concorde in the heart of Paris.

What travelers are saying

Travelers are singing the praises of the breathtaking scenery and warm hospitality they encountered on their journey. Many are raving about the delicious local cuisine and the vibrant cultural experiences they had the chance to partake in.

Some have mentioned how helpful and welcoming the locals were, making their trip even more enjoyable. Others have expressed their gratitude for the smooth and efficient transportation options available, which made it easy to get around and explore the area.

Many have also noted the affordability of the destination, making it an attractive option for budget travelers. Overall, the feedback from fellow travelers has been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing a desire to return and explore even more of what the destination has to offer.

It’s clear that this destination has made quite an impression, and these glowing recommendations are sure to inspire others to pack their bags and embark on their own adventure.

Paris Attractions Information

Paris, the capital of France, is home to some of the most iconic attractions in the world. The Eiffel Tower, standing at 324 meters tall, is a must-see for any visitor to the city.

The Louvre Museum, with its vast collection of art and historical artifacts, including the famous Mona Lisa, is another popular destination. Notre-Dame Cathedral, with its stunning Gothic architecture, and the beautiful SacrĂ©-CƓur Basilica in Montmartre are also top attractions.

For those interested in history, the Palace of Versailles, the former residence of French royalty, is a short trip from the city center. Visitors to Paris can also enjoy the vibrant nightlife, charming cafĂ©s, and world-class shopping along the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es.

The city is also known for its delicious cuisine, with countless restaurants offering traditional French dishes and international fare. Whether it’s iconic landmarks, cultural experiences, or culinary delights, Paris has something to offer every traveler.

Cruises, Sailing & Water Tours

Cruises, sailing, and water tours offer a unique way to experience the beauty of the open water. Whether it’s a luxurious cruise to exotic destinations, a thrilling sailing adventure, or a leisurely water tour of a local area, there are many options to choose from.

Cruises provide a convenient way to travel to multiple destinations while enjoying the amenities and entertainment on board. Sailing offers a more intimate and hands-on experience, allowing guests to participate in the navigation and sailing of the vessel.

Water tours, on the other hand, provide a more relaxed and educational experience, often featuring guided commentary about the surrounding area’s history and wildlife. Regardless of the type of water experience, these tours offer breathtaking views of the ocean, rivers, and lakes, allowing guests to unwind and connect with nature.

Whether it’s a romantic sunset cruise, an adrenaline-pumping sailing race, or a leisurely sightseeing tour, there’s a water experience for every type of traveler to enjoy.

DisneylandÂź Paris Entrance Ticket

Experience the magic of DisneylandÂź Paris with our entrance ticket, granting you access to two incredible theme parks. Step into a world of enchantment and wonder as you explore the iconic attractions, thrilling rides, and captivating shows.

Meet beloved Disney characters, snap photos in front of the enchanting castles, nestled in the heart of Paris, and immerse yourself in the fantasy of it all.

With your entrance ticket, you can choose between Disneyland¼ Park, where fairytales come to life, and Walt Disney Studios¼ Park, where the magic of cinema meets the excitement of entertainment. Whether you’re traveling with family, friends, or solo, there’s something for everyone at Disneyland¼ Paris.

Make unforgettable memories and feel the joy of being a part of the Disney magic with our entrance ticket. Book your ticket now and get ready for a day filled with laughter, excitement, and pure Disney enchantment.


Museums and Monuments

Museums and monuments play a crucial role in preserving the cultural and historical heritage of a society. Museums, whether they focus on art, history, or science, provide a space for people to learn about and appreciate the achievements and experiences of past generations.

They often house valuable artifacts, documents, and artwork that help to tell the story of a particular time or civilization. Monuments, on the other hand, serve as physical reminders of important events, individuals, or ideals. They can inspire a sense of national pride and unity, or encourage reflection on the lessons of history.

Both museums and monuments contribute to the collective memory of a society, helping to shape its identity and providing opportunities for people to connect with their cultural and historical roots. Visiting these sites can be not only educational but also a deeply enriching and meaningful experience for individuals and communities alike.


New Year’s Eve in Paris

New Year’s Eve in Paris is a truly magical experience. The city comes alive with dazzling lights, festive decorations, and an electrifying energy that fills the air.

One of the most iconic celebrations in Paris is the fireworks display at the Eiffel Tower. As the clock strikes midnight, the sky is illuminated with bursts of color, creating a breathtaking backdrop for the revelers below. Many people gather along the Seine River, right in the heart of Paris, to watch the spectacle, while others head to one of the city’s many clubs and restaurants to ring in the New Year with style.

The French capital is also known for its extravagant parties and glamorous soirĂ©es, offering a plethora of options for those looking to dance the night away. Whether you choose to join the crowds in the streets or opt for a more intimate celebration, New Year’s Eve in Paris promises to be an unforgettable and enchanting experience.


Valentine’s Day in Paris


Valentine’s Day in Paris is a truly magical experience. The city of love becomes even more romantic on this special day, with couples strolling along the banks of the Seine, enjoying intimate dinners in charming bistros, and sipping champagne at rooftop bars overlooking the Eiffel Tower.

The city is adorned with beautiful decorations, and there is a palpable feeling of warmth and love in the air. Visitors can take a romantic boat cruise along the river, visit the famous locks of love on the Pont des Arts bridge, or simply wander through the picturesque streets, hand in hand with their loved ones.

Paris offers countless opportunities for couples to create unforgettable memories together on Valentine’s Day, from taking in breathtaking views from the top of the Montparnasse Tower to discovering hidden gems in the city’s many quaint neighborhoods. It truly is a dream destination for any couple looking to celebrate their love in the most romantic setting imaginable.

Top Romantic Places in Paris

Paris is often referred to as the city of love, and it’s no wonder why. From the iconic Eiffel Tower to the charming streets of Montmartre, Paris is brimming with romantic spots perfect for couples.

A visit to the famous “Love Lock” bridge, Pont des Arts, offers a chance to symbolize your eternal love by attaching a padlock to the bridge and throwing the key into the Seine River.

The stunning views from the SacrĂ©-CƓur Basilica make it the perfect place to watch the sunset with your loved one. For a more intimate experience, a stroll along the Seine River or a picnic in Luxembourg Gardens can set the stage for a romantic day in the city.

And of course, a romantic dinner in one of the many cozy bistros or gourmet restaurants in Paris is a must-do for any couple. With its combination of history, charm, and beauty, Paris truly is a top contender for the most romantic city in the world.


Secrets and Stories about Paris

There are countless secrets and stories about Paris that make the city even more enchanting. From the hidden passages of the Palais Royal to the mysterious catacombs beneath the bustling streets, Paris is a city filled with intrigue and history. The famous Notre Dame Cathedral has its own share of secrets, including the little-known demon that is said to be trapped in one of the stone carvings.

The city’s rich literary history also adds to its allure, with famous writers like Hemingway and Fitzgerald calling Paris home at one point. There are also tales of secret societies and underground movements that have shaped the city’s past.

And of course, the romantic stories of love found and lost along the Seine River continue to captivate visitors and locals alike. With its layers of history and hidden gems, Paris is a city that holds countless secrets and stories waiting to be discovered.

Things to do near Paris

There are plenty of things to do near Paris, making it the perfect destination for a day trip or weekend getaway. Just a short train ride away, you can visit the stunning Palace of Versailles, with its beautiful gardens and opulent interiors. For those interested in history and culture, a visit to the charming town of Giverny, where Monet lived and painted, is a must.

The picturesque town is home to the famous garden that inspired many of his masterpieces. If you’re a fan of theme parks, Disneyland Paris is a popular choice for visitors of all ages.

For a more relaxed experience, take a stroll along the Seine River, visit the quaint town of Fontainebleau with its majestic chñteau, or explore the beautiful forests of the Île-de-France region.

No matter what your interests are, there are endless possibilities for a memorable and enjoyable time near Paris.  Additionally, food and wine lovers will find plenty of options near Paris.

The nearby Champagne region offers the opportunity to visit some of the world’s most famous champagne houses and take in the scenic vineyards. For a true gastronomic experience, take a trip to the charming town of Reims, known for its delicious local cuisine and, of course, the stunning Reims Cathedral.

If you’re interested in shopping, the charming town of La VallĂ©e Village is just a short distance from Paris and offers a wide range of luxury outlet stores.

For those who enjoy outdoor activities, the beautiful countryside surrounding Paris is perfect for hiking, biking, or even hot air balloon rides. And if you’re a fan of history, don’t miss the chance to visit the medieval town of Provins, a UNESCO World Heritage site with its well-preserved architecture and fascinating history.

No matter what your interests may be, there’s something for everyone near Paris, making it an ideal destination for a day trip or weekend getaway.

Q: What are the best things to do in Paris?

A: Some of the best things to do in Paris include visiting the Eiffel Tower, exploring the Louvre Museum, taking a Seine River cruise, and strolling through the charming streets of Montmartre.

Q: What are the top attractions in Paris in 2024?

A: The top attractions in Paris in 2024 range from iconic landmarks like the Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame Cathedral to cultural hotspots such as the MusĂ©e d’Orsay and the Palace of Versailles.

Q: How can I best explore Paris?

A: The best way to explore Paris is by taking leisurely walks through its various neighborhoods, hopping on a sightseeing bus tour, or embarking on a guided walking tour to uncover the city’s hidden gems.

Q: What are the must-see attractions along the Seine River?

A: Along the Seine, you must visit the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, the MusĂ©e d’Orsay, and the picturesque Île de la CitĂ©, all of which offer stunning views and rich history.

Q: What are the best views of Paris?

A: For the best views of Paris, head to the top of the Eiffel Tower, climb the steps of the SacrĂ©-CƓur in Montmartre, or visit the rooftop terrace of the Galeries Lafayette for panoramic city vistas.

Q: What are the most iconic landmarks in the City of Light?

A: The most iconic landmarks in the City of Light include the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, the Notre Dame Cathedral, and the picturesque streets of Montmartre.

Q: What are the best ways to experience the art scene in Paris?

A: To experience the vibrant art scene in Paris, visit renowned museums like the Louvre and MusĂ©e d’Orsay, explore the street art in the Le Marais district, and attend a performance at the opulent Palais Garnier.

Q: What are the top day trips from Paris?

A: Some of the top day trips from Paris include visiting the Palace of Versailles, exploring the charming town of Giverny, and touring the historic sites of Normandy or the stunning landscapes of the Champagne region.

Q: What is the best time to visit Paris?

A: The best time to visit Paris is during the spring (April to June) or fall (September to November) when the weather is pleasant, and the city is less crowded compared to the peak summer months.

Q: How can I make the most of my Paris tour?

A: To make the most of your Paris tour, plan ahead to visit iconic landmarks, explore different neighborhoods, indulge in delicious French cuisine, and immerse yourself in the city’s captivating culture and history.

Traveler tips and tricks

  • Check the weather forecast before you go
  • Bring an umbrella (for rain) and sunscreen (for the sun) when exploring the heart of Paris.
  • if taking the ferry, check the ferry schedule for your destination, so you know when to leave for the dock or train station
  • Bring a map–it’s always good to have one on hand in case of emergencies.
  • Pack light: You don’t want to carry around too much stuff when exploring new places together! Pack wisely by keeping only what’s necessary for your trip in your bag; otherwise, it may weigh down on both of your shoulders as well as spoil any romantic moods between couples who love hiking trails together but hate carrying heavy items around with them all day long

Where to find the best deals on flights and hotels

Finding the best deals on flights and hotels can be a challenge. Luckily, we have you covered!

Many travel websites offer discounted rates on flights and hotels, so check out these sites if you’re looking for something specific in Washington state or just want an idea of what’s available.

Our top two picks are as follow

  • Expedia: Well known for having good deals
  • WayAway: The option to get cash back, you can learn about the cash back option here.


Whatever you want for an adventurous and memorable vacation can be gotten in France. Whether you prefer the sophistication and fun of Paris, or you want the simplicity and quiet of the rural villages, there is always something for you in France. So pack your bags and have an amazing time doing any or all of the ten things mentioned above. Enjoy the Holidays!

Other Dream Romantic Getaways 

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I’m Nick — a traveler and photographer with a knack for shooting the world’s most beautiful places. Over the last decade, I’ve circled the globe, visiting countless countries, to bring home photos that cross language barriers. With fluency in five tongues, I believe in the power of communication to unlock culture. My travel blog, Traveling Kangaroo (yes, it’s a real animal!), is here to inspire you to take your own leap around this rock. I’ll continue to post about my journeys as I explore everything our world has to offer — one adventure at a time.